“Building His Kingdom Here In Paulding”
In late 2012 Pastor Tim Tracy, of Family Christian Center in Defiance, and Greg Cramer (elder) felt led to plant a church. During one of the discussions it was decided to look at Paulding as a possible place for the plant. Family Christian Center had many in the congregation from that general area so they felt that it would serve them well to start a church in the area. After much prayer, it was evident to the them that the town of Paulding was definitely the place that the Lord was leading, and they began to make plans immediately.
As the Pastor, Greg began gathering a group of people to plan the new church plant. Quickly, a group of about twelve people began meeting in the basement of his home. From there God provided an opportunity to meet in the Paulding School auditeria. For two and a half amazing years, Branch met in the school and began to grow as a family. It was in the school that relationships were formed, growth took place, and a heart for Paulding grew. Although these were special years, the longing for a permanent home grew. They desired to be in the heart of Paulding, yet there did not seem to be any available places. However, God had something so much greater in store! In June 2015, God opened up the opportunity to buy the Old Armory where the Kiwanis met on the square. With great joy, the building was purchased.
In no time, Branch got down to business doing construction, with the main goal of turning the gym into the auditorium. During the construction time Branch met in the basement until upstairs was ready. Since then we have loved our building by creating it into a space that truly feels like a home. We are grateful for our “home” and love to share it with our community.
“We love where God has placed us, and are committed to building His Kingdom here in Paulding.” —Pastor Greg