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You can park in front of the church as well as around the square. Finding a spot is easy! If stairs are a little difficult for you, feel free to use the side entrance in the alley and use our elevator to get upstairs. If you come a little early you can enjoy some coffee and donuts downstairs in the fellowship hall. We love sharing this space with each other!


We love children at Branch and are so happy to welcome them to our services! We encourage our kids to be a part of worship with us, so we choose to start their classes after it finishes. There is also a nursery available during worship, but babies and children are always welcome to stay with their parents as well.

Nursery- Ages 0-3

Preschool- Ages 4-6 (meets downstairs)

Sprouts- Ages 7-12 (meets upstairs)


We have a modern-style worship service, but sing an array of songs such as newer released songs, hymns, and songs that develop from the Spirit. Overall, we just want an encounter with the King! Our worship team’s mission is to open the door for you to enter into His presence with thanksgiving and joy.


Pastor Greg teaches a challenging and biblical message on topics that affect your everyday life. You can usually expect the sermon to end around 11:30 am (give or take), with opportunities to receive prayer afterward.

All sermons are live-streamed and posted on our YouTube page.

Second Sundays

The second Sunday of every month is a special service in which we take communion as a church and then later gather downstairs for a potluck-style meal. In scripture we are told to devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, through the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42). We have found these Sundays to be a bonding time for us all. So, bring a dish to share, or if you are unable, don’t sweat it, we have amazing cooks and always plenty of food to share.

Tuesday Night Prayer & Worship

Prayer is the foundation of our church. You can expect heartfelt worship, prayer for needs, the Paulding community, and individual ministry. Tuesday night prayer is a powerful time for Branch.