Women of Worship Conference

Women of Worship Conference

God’s Word calls us to "Worship in spirit and truth” John 4:24. Worship can be defined as “extravagant respect, or admiration for, or devotion to an object of esteem”. As Christians we worship our Lord in many ways, but the most common way is through songs of praise and adoration. Did you know there are other ways to offer up your worship to God? Some other areas are in the family, in the arts, and in the spirit. We would like to invite women to come and join other women in the community to learn how we can go deeper in worship. There will be a time of praise and worship and 4 speakers will be talking on these areas of worship. There will be a short break midway through the conference with snacks and drinks. There is no charge for this event, but registration is requested. Thank you and we look forward to worshipping our Lord with you.

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